
Name : Tyler Dalton
Birthday :
Sex : Male
Location : Spartanburg, SC
Friends : James Taylor, Elliott Davis, Tyler King, Edward Millard, and whoever else that I can't currently think of or don't have room to list.
Favorite Sport : Auto Racing
Favorite Food : Chicken
Hobbies/Interests : Building computers, computer gaming, watching NASCAR, sleeping, spending time with my dogs
Personal Info : I am currently living with my grandparents after moving out of my parents house in January of 2003.  I am currently fighting my way through depression and social anxiety disorder.  In person I am much different then what you see online.  I am able to express myself online, I am able to show my true emotions.  In the real world I am actual a very quiet person.  The internet allows me to put aside my problems and be "normal" like everyone else.